Hey, we are Gita, Artia, Arya and Azra.
Gita : Hi, my name is Gita Natalia Serafim Hutagalung. It means songs of angels on Christmas day. I was born on 26 December 2004. I will be 2 years old this coming Christmas...hm,can't wait to celebrate with mom, friends, and my big family. I know my papa passed away one day before I was born. But I can see him everyday actually--he wathches over me day and night. Nobody knows this but mom believe that I have my own time with my papa. My mom is my best friend ever. She is so tough and knows me in details. Im so proud to be her little girl. I promise to take care of my mom, always. I love to sing. Indonesian pop songs are my favourite. Bou Stella promise to take me singing at family karaoke one day....hurray! I like Ratu, Naff and many more. But Artia, he prefer sunday school songs and batak songs. Ompung doli visits me often, and he never forget to put some money in my celengen (saving box)--thanks ompung! Many said that I look like my late papa and I copy ompung boru's habit--so fashion and so matching,hahaha.
Artia : Kak Gita's right! I love Batak songs, especially the happy ones. Ompung doli like to play those songs by piano. The sad Batak songs are ok too, but the thing is I know that everytime Ompung plays the sad songs it means he misses Gita's papa--my bapak tua. Don't be sad, ompung, you have me, Kak Gita and all the family. I will be one year old in January 2007. To be able to walk and run is my dream now. Every day I keep on practicing--ta,ta,ta...mom and dad are so impress with my ta-ta-ta, one step, second step...
Arya : Hi and hi. I'm Arya. I'm Pakde Wahyu's nephew. I smile to anyone. People said i'm the friendliest baby in Purwokerto,hahaha. I won first prize for competition of the healthiest baby in kabupaten Purbalingga. I got a great bike. Eyang kakung, eyang putri, all the family and the jury kept kissing my chubby cheeks on that day. Fiuhhh..I'm so famous!:) I just celebrated my first year old birthday last 19 November. Dancing is my hobby. Put the dangdut song then I will happily dance and laugh:) Oh ya, I have another talent: I can count 1 to 5 in Indonesian language and in Javanese-- setunggal, kaleh, tigo, papat,limo..horree, satu, dua, tiga, empat, lima!
Azra : I'm Azra, 8 months old. I'm not as active as Arya,but I like to observe. I like my kampung, the people are so warm and I can hear birds singing when the morning break. I visit eyang's house at least twice a week. Playing at their house is the happiest moment, I can do anything...no such "don't go there, don't do this" rules in eyang's house:) I rarely meet my pakde Wahyu. One day I would like to visit him in Jakarta and do little observation about that big city:)